The government of Andhra Pradesh took control of all the private sector healthcare facilities in toto for the COVID-19 treatment and instructed that the facilities should make available their men and material when required by the state or district administrations.
They should abide by the directions of district collectors or authorized special officers appointed by the district collector and magistrate.
A GO has been issued yesterday with the number of positive cases swelling up day by day. The GO asked all private and non-governmental medical and health institutions to make available all the resources including infrastructure like isolation beds, rooms, wards ICU premises, ventilators, testing labs, pharmacies, mortuaries, material, equipment, and manpower for the purpose of emergency response, rescue, and relief.
On the other side, the positive cases have gone up further with 2 people being tested positive since last night. Total Positive cases now jumped to 23; The patient 22 is a 49-year-old male from Kakinada while the patient 23 s a 72-year-old from Rajahmundry.
A medical bulletin issued by the state government said the travel details of Patient 22 and 23 are being traced Samples: A total of 33 samples have been tested since last night out of which 31 proved negative and 2 are positive.
The latest GO issued with a title Instant Orders (Memo No. 14 Covid-19) (Memo No. 14 Covid-19) said, ” Covid-19 is fast transmitting from foreign traveler to primary contacts and further to the community at large in many parts of the state. The number of positive cases is swelling up day by day. Hence there is imminent need for quick expansion fo medical facilities in the state for isolation rooms, isolation beds, manpower including doctors, nurses other medical and non-medical staff. Therefore, private medical colleges attached hospital and other private hospitals existing in the state are required for their services to be used in toto for Covid treatment”.